Return Policy

Return Policy

You can, within 7 days of receiving the item(s) ordered from BSM online store (, return any item(s) that you are not completely happy with.

Item(s) can be returned, provided always that the said item(s) is in its new and original condition and original packaging.

Please allow ten (10) working days for your return to be processed upon our receipt of your returned item(s). Our Customer Service Unit may contact you for any additional information with regards to your return. Failure to respond to our enquiry/call may result in a delay or non-processing of refund to you.

Delivery charges incurred for the original delivery of the item(s) to you and the return of same to us are not eligible for any refund. BSM will only consider a refund for the relevant delivery charges if the said return had been due to an oversight on its part.

In any case, the value of refund will be restricted to the price of the said returned item(s) as quoted in our online store. BSM will not be responsible for any charge/fee as imposed by the banks on the refund remitted to you.

BSM reserves the right to deny a return/refund if the item(s) does not meet the abovesaid return policy requirements or on such grounds it deems reasonable to decline the said return/refund. For any return of item(s) to BSM, please contact Tel: 03- 77278215 before making arrangements to return the said item(s). Failure to do so may result in the rejection of your returns.

Our address for returns is as follows:

The Bible Society of Malaysia,
No. 2, Jalan SS 20/10,
Damansara KIM,
47400 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor D.E.

Shipping Policy

We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the stock levels indicated at the point-of-sale due to discrepancies, mis-placement etc. If stocks are unavailable in our inventory we will try to order from the publishers/suppliers (majority of them are overseas). The availability of stocks will then be subjected to our oversea publishers/suppliers and the international delivery schedule to our store in Malaysia, failing which all monies will be refunded.

The delivery charge during checkout is based on external courier rates and for domestic delivery within Malaysia only. We regret that we are presently unable to deliver abroad.

Delivery time cannot be guaranteed but we will strive to pack and send the parcel(s) out within 2-3 working days and then they will typically deliver within 4 working days for West Malaysia and 6 – 8 working days for East Malaysia. All damages or missing items, once confirmed shipped, must be reported within one month from the online purchase or seven days from the order received.